Perfect Nepal trekking Agency!

Perfect Nepal trekking Agency!

Perfect Nepal  trekking agency

Himalaya Journey Trekking is the perfect trekking agency in Nepal Ram and His company  has shown phenomenal company service from the  return of the 1st e-mail to time farewell dinner.  In the future I will be sure to use Himalaya Journey treks and expedition for any trekking tour in Nepal! For the first contact I had with Ram over the internet setting up the plans for our trek, I was treated with nothing but a professional and personal manner every details was accounted for , from being picked up on time to time setting up with what must be one of the best guide in the business. Our 17 days Annapurna circuit trek an amazing experience, we will remember forever !

Prefect Nepal holiday

- Jefff Jappe, Mark wrobel, Dough postels & Micheal Walsh - USA

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