Information about Langtang trekking
Information about Langtang trekking
Langtang trekking is one of the nearest trekking destination from Kathmandu valley. Trekkers should know details information about Langtang trek before visit in Langtang region or Langtang National park. Nepal Langtang National Park established in 1976 and has cover the area of , 1710 sq km. Trekking in Langtang region cover the three districts Rasuwa, Nuwakot and Sindhupalchowk encompassing 26 village development committee.
The main attraction of treks in Langtang region – world’s most beautiful Langtang valley, Holy Gosainkunda & Helambu valley with fantastic Himalayan views of the Ganesh Himal (7,604m), Langtang Lirung (7,200m), Langtang-II (7,227m).Ganchhenpo (6388m), Dorje Lakpa (6990m), Gauri shanker 7145m, Naya Kanga peak 6556m, Yala peak 5500m, Annapurna Himalayan range, Rolwaling Himalayan range and Tibetan Himalayan range.
Treks in Langtang region required two different trekking permits – Langtang National park permit and TIMS permit. Group trekkers obtain through Nepal trekking agency and Fit tourist will get from Tourism board Bhrikutimandap Kathmandu. Autumn ( September, October, November ) & Spring season ( March, April) are best time trekking in Langtang but HJT Team arrange around the year as per travelers plan and desire.
Langtang trekking destination has 8 different trekking routes among them Langtang valley trekking, Langtang Helambu trekking, Langtang Gosainkunda trekking and Helmabu valley trekking is most popular routes. All the trekking trails doable in all season and suit for all age group trekkers. Langtang region trekking trails doable without any domestic flights . Treks in Langtang region is less touristy trekking trails it means not like Everest trekking & Annapurna trekking destination.
The trek passes through Langtang National Park- a pristine countryside with majestic flora and fauna, yak pastures and local cheese factories! Himalayan pheasants, Himalayan deer, Himalayan bears, mountains goats, monkeys, and the elusive red panda, are native to this region. The Langtang trek takes place in a region in the northern central Himalayas of Bagmati province in Nepal.
Trekking in Langtang valley will take to a narrow valley located between the main Himalayan range to the north and bordering Tibet along with a lower range of snow-capped peaks to the south. About 4,500 people live in the park (with Tamang as the majority). . The Langtang National Park covers a variety of climate zones, from subtropical to alpine. About 25% of the park is forested. Keep your plan with Himalaya Journey Team to explore the Langtang treks trails from one week up to three weeks. For more details;- [email protected] or cell/ whatapps:- 977-9851007829